Improve your website’s loading speed for better ranking, more traffic and conversions

Written by Safeer ur Rehman

You have published tons of content on your website, improved the metals, implemented GMB, and even published high-quality blogs but somehow you still cannot make it to the first page on Google, what could possibly be the reason? What more do you need to do? Well, the answer might lie in the website speed and overall UI/UX of your website.

A slow loading speed is one of the key reasons for your users’ frustration which leads them to leave the website and move on the next. This contributes to a higher bounce rate which ultimately translates into low rankings.

Though the ideal loading speed time recommended by Google is under 3 seconds, the average loading speed of a website on the first page is not more than 1.65 seconds. 

On the contrary, a recent study of over 5 million websites conducted by Backlinko revealed that an average website takes about 10.3 seconds to fully open on the desktop while the mobile version takes about 27.3 seconds to load completely. 

There is a high chance that your website falls in that club too. 

So what exactly causes your website to slow down and how to figure it out?

For starters, you may test your website on Google’s very own tool for checking website speed. It gives you a detailed report about which areas need improvement on your website. In most cases, slow loading speed is due to large-sized images and messy, unnecessary code among other things. 

We could all use a few improvements on our websites. All you need to do is enter your websites’ URL in the Google page speed insight tool and it would generate a detailed report of which areas you have perfected and which ones need improvement.

The good thing about this tool is that you may view the complete report for both desktop and mobile versions separately.

How to improve?

Once you have pinpointed the possible areas that need to be optimized, you may put your team to work or hire a digital marketing agency that specializes in page speed optimization such as ourselves. Here are a few things that you can do to improve the speed.

Use compressed images

In a time when people are obsessed with visuals, almost every other website has an extensive amount of large-sized images on it which is not a bad thing. What matters is how you use those visuals. There are several tools and plugins available online that would scan and compress the images without compromising their quality.

Consider using browser caching 

Ever wondered why some websites take longer to load the first time but when you open the same sites second or third time, they load much quicker? 

That’s because they have their caches stored in your browser and what it does is, it stores some part of the websites such as logos, footer, and header so that the next time you open a website that uses caching service, it takes less time to load.

Improvise the HTML CSS codes 

Finally, minify the HTML and CSS code by removing the duplicate data. This might sound difficult but it’s actually doable and there are plugins for this too. They identify the unused and duplicate data in the code so you may remove it without disrupting the functionality.


At Bester Capital Media we have an expert team of developers and marketing specialists who have tons of experience in optimizing website speed. No matter what technology your website uses, we can help you improve its speed so you may enjoy better rankings, more traffic, and conversions.


Originally Published July 2, 2021 12:30 AM, Updated July 2, 2021.

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